
Therapy and Other Support Services

"It is the quality of our relationships that will determine the quality of our lives."

Esther Perel

Intimate Relationships

Romantic Relationships, Families, Friendships and more

Many of us don't have a model for healthy relationships. We long for connection, but we don't know how to create and sustain it.

Our early experiences create a foundation from which we create our own intimate relationships, sometimes unconsciously recreating familiar past patterns.

In therapy we can

  • Create a space where difficult communication can take place safely

  • Identify and examine your triggered behaviors

  • Practice communicating productively instead of destructively

  • Learn tools that help you be more present in relationships

  • Communicate boundaries 

Professional Relationships

Whether on an individual or organizational level, relational health directly affects business impact.

Some professional relationships are created without being defined clearly. It is never too late to redefine professional relationships and clarify boundaries.

Professional and Business Relationship Consulting services include

  • Conflict mediation and coaching

  • Trainings: Interpersonal effectiveness and Emotional regulation skills

  • Redefining of expectations and boundaries